Thursday, December 9, 2010

32 Weeks Pregnant!

Well, after having multiple issues logging into this, I have finally recovered my blog! I was hoping to keep up with it throughout my pregnancy but that clearly hasn't happened. Life is busy these days. I'm officially 32 weeks pregnant - eek! Time is flying and I'm getting more excited every day. Our nursery is painted and the wallpaper border is almost completely done. Then we can finally start putting it together!

I had my first baby shower last week and we finally have some baby items in the house! We got a lot of really cute stuff from my friends and I'm looking forward to dressing our little guy in all of the tiny clothes :)

I have been sick with a nasty cold the past few days, but I'm otherwise doing great. Baby is moving constantly so that keeps me entertained :) This week Derek & I both have our work Christmas parties and then I have another baby shower this weekend with my Mom's side of the family!