Well I am almost 12 weeks pregnant and I have been nausea free for the last 3 days! (Knock on wood!) What a great feeling! I figured I better take advantage of it and get some housework done so I finally got caught up on laundry and cleaned as much of the house as I could before working all weekend. What a great feeling! I can finally move without having to run to the bathroom ;) I'm not nearly as tired lately either, which is also nice.
Things are going well - I feel like I am already getting a little baby bump! Which is kinda scary since it seems so early, but exciting at the same time.
So far I dont have any weird cravings - now that I feel better I can eat just about anything. Unfortunately I crave chips way more than I'd like to! I went from wanting anything chocolate to anything with salt! Too bad I dont crave fruits and veggies!
Everyone keeps asking if we're going to find out what we're having ---and yes we are! We are having a hard time coming up with names for a boy - so we decided that we are going to wait until we find out for sure what we're having before we look into it any more. We agreed on 2 names for a girl right away - but boys are pretty tough!
I'm hoping to keep updating this as I get time, now that I actually have something exciting going on!