Sunday, January 18, 2009

So much to do, so little time

Wow, I dont think this weekend is ever going to end! I have a list a mile long of all of the things I need to get done this week and its really hard to get things done when you work 12 hour shifts all weekend!

I have two papers to start, a house that needs a good cleaning, a scrapbook to finish, and A LOT of wedding stuff to finalize/pay for. We need to book the limo, book the cruise for our honeymoon, start our marriage preparation classes, go on a marriage retreat...pick out centerpieces/decorations, and order invitations...just to name a few ;)

I'm hoping to have a little down time at work tonight to get some stuff done.

I luckily dont have to come back to work tonight, but we have our first marriage prep meeting @ 7, and then we're going to visit with my parents a bit and order the invites and get some other wedding stuff squared away.

Busy busy!

1 comment:

Katie said...

hope it went well last night!