Aw, I just love her! :) Mara is my first niece, & I am also her godmother! :) These pictures were taken a while ago, but are some of my favorites! She is such a cutie!
The past couple of days have been busy, to say the least. I hate that it feels like there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done! I was so exhausted after working overnight on Tuesday, that I slept most of the day yesterday. The fact that it gets dark at 5 pm definitely doesnt help anything. I have two classes left until the end of the trimester, so you know what that means...its almost final time. I'm trying to stay focused, but art history is by far the most boring class I have ever had to take! I cant wait until its over!
Derek is working today and its my day off, so I'm trying to be productive. So far I've done a little bit of studying, but I get easily distracted by the computer!
We are doing the biggest loser competition at work, and so far I'm doing okay. I was pretty shocked that I've gained almost 20 pounds since I met Derek, so I figured I better do something about it. I'm afraid I wont fit in my wedding dress if I keep this up. I have a very bad habit of eating when Im stressed...and with everything I have going on right now, I find myself eating whatever is convenient. I tell you, living with a boy doesnt help the whole dieting situation. Lets just say Derek isnt the healthiest eater...and before I lived with him I didnt buy much junk food, and now it's always around. Its quite frustrating! We've been getting better at cooking the last couple of weeks, but it's pretty lucky if we're able to eat meals together since our schedules are so different.
I better go get some studying done...I have class tonight and then work 12 hour overnights this weekend. Blah.
Congrats on creating a blog! =-)
Cute pics of you and little Miss. Mara!
Don't worry too much about the "Realtionship Weight"...I gained about 100 since meeting Drew 10 years ago. I just blame it all on him now! HA! I think when you finally meet Mr. Right, you get way too comfortable and start letting things go. I've done way too much of that myself! Though...I have to tell you, you don't look like you've gained 20 or that you need to lose that should give you free reign to carry on without dieting! Haha... Good luck with the Biggest Loser! I'm trying to get on the actual show myself...haha... =-)
Mara looks so bald there!!
I don't think you need to lose 20lbs. But I know I do!!
Hello, Miss Blogger! Nice to see you out here. Maybe I can try to keep up with what is going on in your busy life now! =)
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