Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bored on the night shift!

I really wish my life was exciting so I had more to write about!

I've been trying to pick up some overtime at work before I go back to school, but of course, our unit is super slow right now. We only had 15 patients (we have a 33 bed unit) last night and 8 were supposed to go home today! We usually have about 5 patients per nurse on the night shift, so I knew I'd have to float tonight! So now I'm on another floor in the hospital...the trauma/general surgery unit. Which is my least favorite...and I'm sitting in an individual assignment and get to watch my patient sleep all night. Boring! And of course its the night that I didnt get to take a nap before coming to work, and I'm already fighting to stay awake. We're usually busy on our floor, so I'm running around all night and dont have a problem staying awake! Thats not the case tonight. Hopefully the night goes fast. This is the time of year when many people's cholesterol is at it's highest - after eating a lot of junk over the holidays! - so I'm sure there will be a lot of surgeries coming up, and we'll be busy again. I love my floor, so I always dread having to go to another floor in the hospital.

As far as the wedding planning goes...we're trying to find a honeymoon destination. I would love to get it booked now and have one less thing to worry about later. I just keep hoping we'll find something a little more reasonably priced I guess. We really wanted to go to Hawaii, but that is looking like its going to be pretty far out of our budget. We've looked into Mexico and the Caribbean..and since neither of us have been to Mexico we are clueless where the best vacation spots are. We both want to be somewhere with warm sandy beaches and lots of sunshine! Any ideas?!


Jenny said...

I provide administrative support to 7 nurse managers at Methodist Hospital, and the patient load has been very low in some of the units, so I know what you're talking about. Three of those units were closed for the week between Christmas & New Year's. They assure me that this is the slow time of year for the hospital, and that it will eventually pick up again.

Jenna said...

We are slowly starting to pick up now... which is good. The spring/summer time is usually the busiest. Any of the little kids that need surgery usually do it then so they dont have to miss school, and its usually an easier time for people to get off of work. So it's just one extreme to the next! Super slow - super busy. There really isnt anything in the middle!